EyeCount4U; óóg voor úw zaken!
Hoofdweg 42, 9684 CH Finsterwolde
Tel: 06-20473230 Email: info@eyecount4u.nl
KvK 17241677 Becon: 575677 BTW: NL.001.648.242.B08
Per 26th of march 2020 we are moved from Oudestraat 4, 5161 TB Sprang-Capelle ( Noord-Brabant ) to Finsterwolde ( Groningen ).
EyeCount4U is available on the following days and times:
Monday: 07:00 – 11:00 & 12:00 – 19:00
Tuesday: 07:00 – 11:00 & 12:00 – 19:00
Thursday: 07:00 – 11:00 & 12:00 – 19:00
Friday: 07:00 – 11:00 & 12:00 – 19:00
EyeCount4U is closed on wednesday, saturday and sunday.
Per 1st of October 2018 EyeCount4U has introduced Call-appointments, so that our call-talks so suit on both sides and I can give you the time you need. Do you want to plan a Call-appointment with me? Please send me a Whatsapp-message of Email and you will get a reply a.s.a.p. Thanks for your coorporation!